Epworth Freemasons Hospital
Suite 101, 320 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002
information@drlenkliman.com.au 03 9419 2372
Articles/Contraception options following birth
Gynaecology   Women’s Health  

Contraception options following birth

a headshot of dr len kliman with his arms crossed
2 minutes mins read September 13th 2021

It is important to consider the contraceptive options after having a child so you can best time your family.

Top 5 contraception methods
  1. Condoms
    This is the easiest and most convenient option in the early weeks following delivery.
  2. Minipill (Progesterone only pill)
    This option is for breastfeeding mothers. It can be taken as soon as you are discharged from hospital. Remember to take the pill within three hours at the same time every day for it to be effective. You should use a condom for the first 14 days after commencing the Minipill for complete protection.
  3. The combined pill
    This can only be taken if you are not breastfeeding. You must use condoms for the first 14 days after commencing the combined pill for complete protection.
  4. IUD
    There are two types of IUDs, but the most commonly prescribed IUD is the progesterone releasing IUD. It releases progesterone that reduces menstrual bleeding and lasts for five years. It can be inserted three months after delivery and can be inserted in our consulting rooms or under general anaesthetic especially if you had a caesarean section. It can easily be removed if you are planning another pregnancy.
  5. Progesterone releasing rod
    This is a tiny rod inserted under the skin in your upper arm that slowly releases progesterone. It prevents ovulation and reduces fertilization. This rod lasts for three years and can easily be removed if you are considering another pregnancy. You must use condoms for the first 14 days after the insertion of the rod for complete protection.

Dr Kliman will discuss the pros and cons of each of these methods including potential side effects in your visit.