East Melbourne VIC 3002

Post coital bleeding (PCB) refers to spotting or bleeding that is unrelated to menstruation that occurs during or after sexual intercourse. This is a very important symptom that needs prompt investigation and should not be ignored.
This type of abnormal bleeding is not usually heavy and is often only noticed when you are wiping yourself. Even though the amount of bleeding may be minimal it is important to have this further investigated. If you are experiencing PCB, you may also be experiencing abnormal bleeding not associated with intercourse.
Reasons for Bleeding after Sex
Cervical Ectropion
The cells that line the cervical canal are quite fragile and a cervical ectropion is a condition or an anatomical variation in which the canal of the cervix turns inside out exposing these fragile cells to the vaginal environment. These cells bleed easily when touched and if you have this variation of your cervix, you will most likely experience PCB.
Cervical Polyps
The cells that line the canal of the cervix can also generate polyps. These endocervical polyps are usually benign growths but because they have a rich blood supply, they can bleed during intercourse
Inflammation of the cervix can cause PCB. Chlamydial infection is the most common cause of acute cervicitis and is an infection that can affect your fertility.
Although cancer of the cervix is becoming less common because of regular cervical screening tests and will continue to become less common because of the HPV vaccination program, PCB can be a sign of precancerous or cancerous cells on the cervix.
When to See a Gynaecologist
If you are experiencing PCB you should always see your GP and be referred to a Gynaecologist.
Dr Kliman would perform a colposcopy procedure in his office where the cervix is examined closely with a microscope and a careful cervical screening test is taken.
Dr Kliman is a Certified Colposcopist with the Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists which means that he has the appropriate training, expertise and modern sterile equipment. He has has been performing colposcopies for over thirty years.
All colposcopy results are sent to a registry (National Screening Program) and are analysed by the Victorian Cytology Service.
Dr Len Kliman is one of Melbourne’s most experienced and trusted obstetricians and gynaecologists.
With over three decades of experience in the public and private sector, he has delivered over 20,000 babies and still counting!
In 2017, Dr Kliman was awarded an Order of Australia for his services to obstetrics and gynaecology.