East Melbourne VIC 3002
Surgical Procedures
Dr Len Kliman specialises in gynaecological pelvic surgery and minimally invasive gynaecological surgery, including hysteroscopic and laparoscopic surgery. Dr Len Kliman is dedicated to making every one of his patients feel comfortable during their consultation and ensures their individual needs are met. It’s important to discuss any concerns and or symptoms that you may be experiencing with Dr Len during your consultation, to allow for a proper diagnosis.

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Clincial Services
Book appointmentHysteroscopy, D&C and Polypectomy and Hysteroscopic Resection of Fibroid
Hysteroscopy is a procedure where a high resolution telescope is inserted into the uterus under a general anaesthetic. Biopsies (D&C) and removal of lesions (polyps or fibroids) can then be safely undertaken. IUCDs can then be inserted under vision.
Diagnostic Laparoscopy (Keyhole Surgery)
This involves inserting a high resolution telescope under general anaesthetic through a small incision below the umbilicus.
The procedure allows:
- Removal of ovarian cysts and other masses
- Treatment of endometriosis
- Assessment of the cause of pelvic pain
- Assessment of the cause of infertility
Novasure Endometrial Ablation
This is a surgical procedure to burn away the lining of the uterus (endometrium). This procedure is used to treat heavy periods (menorrhagia). A Novasure device uses a wire mesh connected to a computer that allows the destruction of the endometrium. The wire mesh is then removed at the conclusion of the procedure.
Procedures include:
- Insertion of IUCDs
- Laparoscopic application of clips to the fallopian tubes or removal of fallopian tubes
Marsupialisation of Bartholin’s Cyst/Abscess
Bartholin’s cysts or abscesses result in an often painful lump either side at the vaginal opening. This is managed by creating a permanent new drainage canal for this gland.
LLETZ and Cone Biopsy
LLETZ and cone biopsies are surgical procedures used to remove pre-cancerous lesions of the cervix that are designated as high grade.
Excision of Vulval and Vaginal Skin Lesions
Abnormal pre-cancerous large skin lesions of the vulva or vagina may need to be removed under general anaesthetic.
Understand Surgical Procedures
Adenomyosis and endometriosis are often confused but have k…
Experiencing irregular periods, pelvic pain, or unusual dis…
Discover pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) – its causes, sy…
Uterine fibroids, otherwise known as myomas are the most co…
As with all areas of your body, there are obvious changes t…

Have a chat to our team.
Contact our clinic on 03 94192372 and one of our nursing staff will take your call and assist you with your enquiry.